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Insight and Intellect

I made too large of a leap in my last post. Reflecting on how I arrived at the present too often resonates with quickness and simplicity. My actions have extensive background, sometimes years of thought or experiences that precede them. In aural story telling, I favor action over connection, thereby creating a complex web of information to decipher. In other words, people often think my stories are concocted for fictional amusement. Yet it is quite the contrary, I'm not that smart. They are delivered from fact without focus. The purpose for my communique is to create observational clarity and make sense of this wonderful world that surrounds us.

It took one year for me to gain grounding, decipher my interests and actually have the guts to move forward with them all. By the second year I began work on the book project with Millenial hyperconfidence that I could teach myself to do anything. By year three, I was smart enough to listen to my mother and figure out where we stood in the pack of aspiring writers. Midway through year three we hired an expert. Currently I continue my own research using aforementioned expert as a guide and for checkpoints of reality. Now, I am juggling multiple faces--researcher, interviewer, writer, web designer, marketer and brand developer--on this project alone.

Life as a homemaker is not dull. I do get the occasional coffee or lunch martini with a friend. I take the random day off for shopping, the pool, or spa. But all play and no work makes my mind go berserk. I found my purpose, my passion and most importantly my flow. I enjoy feeling fulfilled and balanced. I am busy, but ahh, I love a life of insight and intellect.

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