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Top 5 Reasons to Choose What Company Will Help You Grow

Tis the season to sparkle. Now is a great time to evaluate whether work allows you to shine. Is it adding to the stress of the year? Is the holiday season your excuse to escape? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, maybe you should make it a goal of 2017 to make a change. The best way to make work your happy place is to choose what and where you want to be. Following are my Top 5 Reasons to not settle, work hard and find a company that gives as much back to you as you put into it.

5. Control. We cannot control what happens to us but we can manage how we respond. When we select companies that interest us we start the job in the driver's seat, meaning we know when to lead and are aware of the times to follow. Working from a point of influence provides us greater bargaining power through raises, title changes, hiring decisions, even transitioning ourselves out


4. Knowledge. Seeking out a company or a career makes you aware of what is out there and what fits you. Choosing what you want validates your self-worth. And when that starts dissipating, you will know it is time to move on to the next opportunity you select.

3. Sanity. To manipulate your skills to fit into a company, communicates to others that you budge on your principles. Molding oneself into what others want or need is like working as though you are someone else. Not being true to yourself can make you feel crazy. What else will they ask you to do that you don’t want to do.

2. Compassion. If you comprehend a company, it will be easy to understand why things are happening and how to make the environment work for you. Culture supersedes salary every day. Don’t focus on money, move toward your passion and the fortune will follow.

1. Balance. Work is not the end all and be all of life. If it were, more people would be happy. When the many aspects of your life are functioning—family, friends, religious, spiritual, community, you name it—you are able to be critical of how each one affects you and vice versa. Balance is what allows us to move forward. So make sure you are taking steps toward a direction that fits you.

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