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The Imbalanced Entrepreneur

I’ve been gone but I haven’t stopped working. Since November, being a sister, mother, daughter and wife have taken precedence over blogging. My brother celebrated his 60th birthday, my son had surgery, my kids and extended family enjoyed the holiday season, my parents’ celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and as always, I supported my husband in all his projects and rewarded myself with a little R&R. The imbalance is a perk of creating my own business and for that business to be the art of writing. I love the reward allotted to us when steady and consistent involvement abounds. Positive behavior and habits (eating well, exercising, emotional strength), feeling well rested and being prepared to tackle whatever the world throws at me. But at this stage of living with two young children, middle-aged me and aging parents, I understand that my environment is not always going to present itself in a manageable fashion and I relish the ability to adjust the level and intensity of my focus when monumental occasions demand it. Hence my reasoning for taking an extended break from blogging and for pairing down on some of my volunteer activities—which I aim to affect in a larger way in the future as a result of the book I am writing. I could easily punish myself for lacking the consistency and follow-through to maintain 2-4 posts per month. Instead I focus my mind on being grateful that I am at a point in my career where I can put family first, adjust my priorities, and not miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities. Granted, I never stop thinking about my long term career goals. Over the past few months I focused my energies on what worked into my schedule and coincided with other items I needed to accomplish. I worked on marketing, networking, strategy and how to get more accomplished by putting in less time. I hope my departure works in the favor of everyone—better writing that is more enjoyable to read.

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